Hello & Welcome!
I'm an Intuitive Guide, Psychic Medium, Channeler, Qualified Kinesiologist, Nonviolent Communication Certification Candidate and Social Work student specialising in helping people open their heart space and create a life filled with joy and happiness!
Moving beyond the 'knowing' of the mind into the deeper 'understanding' of deeper intuitive wisdom, answers provided at the right time can provide the reassurance and direction you need.
And with the ability to 'feel' where your energy body has blockages, I can clear your energy field, download new frequencies and help you activate a new, higher conciousness heart space.
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- The Blog
Intuitively guided information to help you on your journey
December 14, 2021 · mind-control,manipulation,awakening,truth,brainwashingNote: This is a follow up article from MIND CONTROL (click here to read first). Where have you...December 8, 2021 · mind-control,manipulation,awakening,truth,brainwashingMixed messages, strong emotions, rocky pathways. In times of mass confusion and uncertainty,...March 12, 2020 · panic,fear,scarcity,bushfires,coronavirusIt's been a quiet few months for me here on the blog as I've been busy having a transformative... Praise
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