1-1 Intuitive Guidance & Healing Session
A safe, supportive space where we come together for 90 mins to work through whichever challenge you are facing.
Our sessions are held Online and you will leave the session feeling lighter, happier and with more clarity about what action needs to be taken to meet your goals.
In a '1-1 Intuitive Guidance & Healing Session', we can get to the heart of what is bothering you and create strategies to help you resolve it.
Here are just some of the challenges that can be resolved from working together:
- Help you move from being single to being in a loving relationship
- Receive clarity on what your purpose is and how to achieve it
- Learn how to resolve a conflict that you are having with your partner, children, family, friend, colleagues or boss
- Learn how to let go of resentment and anger and find acceptance, peace and forgiveness
- Clear traumatic energy and emotional imprints from your physical and energetic bodies, leading to better health
- Overcome anxiety and create a deeper sense of safety in your life
- Learn how to express yourself in a way that gets your needs met
- Learn how to develop a deeper spiritual practice and sharpen your intuitive abilities
- Ground your energy and feel more centred
- Identify shame patterns and clear what is holding you back
In general, my work is all about being fully present with you and allowing the power of empathy to work it's magic. As a healer, this is how we help you to let go of energy that no longer serves you. As a teacher, this is one of the main tools that I can share with you, in order for you to create meaningful connections in your life.
You can be open to receive and give love more fully.
You can have the dream career, that is not like 'work' but is soul fulfilling AND financially rewarding at the same time!
You can have the confidence and the tools to express yourself and fill your life with people that love and support you.
How Do We Do This?
My sessions are a unique offering, blending my natural intuitive, channelling and healing abilities, with the skills learnt from working through my own challenging relationships, leading teams in my corporate career, becoming a qualified Kinesiologist and in my studies to become a Certified Trainer with the Centre for Nonviolent Communication (NVC).
NVC is a highly effective self-awareness and communication process developed by the late American Psychologist Marshall Rosenberg, PhD.
Each session is unique to you and the direction we take will be based on what you are needing on the day.
Sessions are held Online via Microsoft Teams. Once scheduled, a meeting link will be sent to you. You can also keep a recording of the session, if you wish to.
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Contact: hello@reneecusworth.com